8/25-29 Where The Wild Things Are

8/25-29 Where The Wild Things Are
Ages 4+
Come play with Max and his menagerie of monster friends this Summer! We will play games, enjoy walks to the forest, and craft while listening to stories about wild creatures and children. Create your own fuzzy lined crown fit for any royal child. Make puppets to play with and gruffalo masks to delight. Leave with monster horns to wear for any occasion.
Sign up for for the whole week or choose by day and activity:
Monday Max’s Crown
Tuesday Puppets
Wednesday Gruffalo Mask
Thursday & Friday Monster Horns
$48/day drop in or pay a discounted $224 for the full week. Maximum of 12 students.
New PAYMENT PLAN option: Purchase an $100 payment plan deposit ticket online and setup a monthly payment plan with us. Contact wildchildartseducation@gmail.com to set dates.